Previous Campaigns


UNITE: Las Vegas was the second major event hosted in Las Vegas after the city shut down from COVID the previous year. We saw nearly 13,000 people across two nights and over 500 decisions were recorded for Jesus!

Through the work of those on the ground, we saw hundreds of churches join us in our efforts to reach the city and follow up with those who made decisions. We are thankful that every person who said yes to Jesus was connected with a local church where they are able to be discipled, cared for, and loved.


UNITE: San Antonio was one of the largest campaigns ever pioneered by the Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association. Through the hand of God and the prayers of many churches, ministries, and volunteers we saw over 20,000 people join us across two nights to hear the Gospel proclaimed and over 1100 decisions for Jesus.

We were so thankful for those across San Antonio who brought family, friends, co-workers, and so many more as we worked to UNITE a city under the name of Jesus and see lives changed as a result.


UNITE: Gulf Coast brought the vision to unite communities under the Name of Jesus to the Florida Emerald Coast. Throughout the course of a year, we leveraged the momentum gained in San Antonio to mobilize churches, partners, and more across the metro Pensacola area.

During two nights, we welcomed more than 11,000 people to the Bay Center and saw hundreds make decisions for Jesus. We’re grateful for all God did in northwest Florida!